Review 2024: More Than Just an AI Writing Tool

If you’re searching for AI writing tools, you’ll find many of them. Among the first ones that introduced AI writing is It’s a content creation platform that uses AI to write everything. has an AI sales OS and an AI marketing OS, which consist of various workflows for automating sales and marketing, respectively. I tried its free plan, which gives limited access to all the features. Here is my review. Chat

The platform has its own AI chat, just like ChatGPT. It works on the GPT 3.5 model. The pro plan adds new models, such as GPT 4 and Claude. On the right side, you get an editor to write your content. It also allows you to upload files in the chat.

copy ai chat

The output is similar to ChatGPT, so there’s nothing new. If you just want to use the chat feature, don’t bother paying for a paid plan. Instead, use free AI chatting platforms.

Prompts Library

The chat has over 60 prompts for a variety of purposes, including content, marketing, paid advertising, social media, sales, and more. You can also create your own custom prompts and add them to the library.

copy ai prompt library


You can save your own information in Infobase and tag it. Then, in chat or workflows, all you have to do is refer to that tag to get the information you need without typing it in every time.

copy ai infobase

Brand Voice

Brand Voice helps you add your brand’s unique tone and style to all your content. It ensures that the content you create matches your brand’s identity, making it feel consistent and true to your brand.

copy ai brand voice

Workflow Library has a library of 40+ workflows that automate tasks such as sending emails, researching companies, translating content, writing blog posts, etc.

copy ai workflow library

You can even build your own workflows by adding different actions. After building the workflow, you can test it by providing input.

copy ai build workflow

Workflow Test

For one of my blog posts, I tested the blog content repurposing workflow. This workflow converts your blog post into a tweet, LinkedIn post, email, and more. You can see the screenshot of the result below.

copy ai workflow test result

Free AI tools gives you free access to over 30 AI writing tools without the need to create an account. You can use generators for product names, headlines, hashtags, ad copy, meta descriptions, titles, etc. Pricing

It has three plans: free, starter, and advanced. If you want to try it out, sign up for the free plan. You’ll get 2000 words, workflows, brand voice, and infobase. For unlimited features, go with the starter plan.

copy ai pricing

The annual subscription plans offer a 25% discount on the paid plans. With the discount, the starter plan is now $36 per month, down from the regular price of $49. Similarly, the advanced plan is $186 per month, reduced from the standard $249 rate.

Do I Recommend

I recommend it to brands and businesses that want to make their marketing process easier. This platform is specially built for brands, not small content creators. Although it has a chat feature, it’s the same as ChatGPT.

Conclusion started as a simple AI writing platform and is now all-in-one software for businesses. It’s worth the money for its workflows (you saw the test above). I suggest you test the workflows and then think of buying them.

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Hi, I'm Sankalp, the author of this blog. I love to try out new AI tools and share my experience on this blog. I'll also teach you how to make money with AI.

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